Folklore from the oldest literary source of our ancestors is very difficult to understand, because the language has changed a lot since then, and the translators tried to add more archaic words to their text in order to immerse the audience in a suitable atmosphere. That is why it is so important to adopt a brief retelling of "Words on Igor's Regiment". It will help you navigate in a complex and rich storytelling. And in order to understand its meaning, read the analysis of “Words on Igor’s Regiment” from Literaguru.
The author of the "Word" is going to tell a story about the battles of Igor. As it was, in fact, and not "according to the fictions of the Boyanovs." Comparing himself with the long-talking narrator, he hints that he will try to briefly and truthfully describe the prince’s campaign against the Polovtsy - nomads, with whom peace was previously made.
But Igor (here is his description), obeying the desire to prove his strength, sent the regiments to the Polovtsy. A sign foreshadowing trouble was a solar eclipse. But the prince wanted to "see the Don", subjugate him, so the comrades continued on their way. He realizes how he risks:
I want to lay my head
Or drink with shelom from the Don!
The road to the Don
A brother went to Igor - Vsevolod. His warriors near Kursk were already ready. The author compares the army with gray wolves, expressing disapproval of the plan. Princes risk their people only for glory.
On the way, bad signs met the prince: the sun blocked the road with darkness, a thunderstorm woke up, all the animals were afraid and hiding, predicting the evil. Wolves howl, eagles call animals on bones. Despite warnings, Igor Svyatoslavovich continues to walk.
First fight
They arrived in the steppe, trampled the Polovtsian regiments, took beautiful girls, gold and jewelry, luxurious outfits. After feats of arms there was a feast, and the army fell asleep in the field.
The squad of Igor Svyatoslavovich was dozing sweetly, and the Polovtsian khans, Gzak and Konchak were approaching the gray wolf towards Don. In the morning the army saw a terrible sight: bloody dawns and black clouds with blue lightning. As if this was the third sign that the path must be stopped, but Igor stubbornly walked towards the goal.
Second battle
Polovtsy went to the Russian regiments from all sides. There was a fight. The narrator is proud of the courage of Vsevolod. In the battle, he did not spare himself. I forgot about honor, wealth, the Chernigov throne and my beloved wife Glebovna.
The author of the story recalls the centuries of the Troyanovs and the battles of Oleg Svyatoslavovich. He was very famous and courageous, because he participated in ruthless battles. A terrible time, because then the son went against his father, civil strife began. The root of evil, Igor’s grandfather is Oleg, so the narrator calls him “Gorislavovich.” However, even at that time, people did not imagine such a terrible battle, in which Igor participated. The army and the Polovtsy fought long and mercilessly; the whole earth was flooded with blood. Three days later, the army of the prince was defeated. The Russians did not fight the nomads anymore, but they actively took tribute from the Russian land, raiding the princedom by raids.
Here the author tells the background of the battle: the father of Igor and Vsevolod once made peace with the Polovtsy, stopped the internecine battles between the princes, ensuring peace. But his sons violated the conditions, and now he, the prince of Kiev, is again forced to intervene.
Dream and the Golden Word of Svyatoslav
The father of the princes had a dream. His clothes were black. For him they drew wine with bitterness, poured pearls from unclean shells on his chest. I also dreamed of a house on the roof, where the crows continuously croaked. Comrades interpreted as if the misfortune was eclipsed by the fact that the sons were in captivity.
Svyatoslav worries, reproaches his children, because they early went with the army to the Polovtsy. Without honor shed the blood of people. This act disgraced my father. The Grand Duke does not want discord and war, therefore, calls on all relatives to unite and repulse the enemy. He advises everyone to forget about selfish interests and act together, otherwise the Russian land will die under the onslaught of the Polovtsy. He bitterly complains that Igor and his brother are in captivity, and now they cannot fulfill their real duty - to protect their native land!
The narrator on behalf of the prince asks everyone to beat Konchak and avenge Igor Svyatoslavovich’s wounds. Unfortunately, Igor’s army cannot be returned, but there is still hope to defend his defenseless city. Svyatoslav mentions that Ingar, Vsevolod Olgovichi and the three sons of Mstislavovich divided the cities and unjustly obtained their property. Only Izyaslav honestly fought for possessions with the Lithuanians and died. But the brothers did not participate in that battle.
Yaroslav and Vseslav made enemies in Russia. The narrator said that at night Vseslav turned into a cruel beast. Wolf rushed to different cities, and in the afternoon the “court of rules”. The man heard the bell ringing of Polotsk Sofia, his helpless soul was tormented.
The narrator longs for the days of old Vladimir. And he predicts sorrow for Russia if the princes (this is the characteristic of all princes) do not obey Svyatoslav and unite.
Crying Yaroslavna
In Putivl, Yaroslavna (here is her image) cries for her husband Igor. She wants to help him: fly a cuckoo and wash his wounds. The unfortunate and inconsolable girl reproaches the wind, which rushes arrows at her husband, and begs the Dnieper River to bring her husband’s boats.
She turns to the sun: first she reproached him, and then asked her to intercede for her.
Igor Escape
The Lord does not leave the son of Svyatoslav, shows him the path to his native home. Nature herself favors him by listening to the cry of Yaroslavna. He managed to escape from captivity when the enemies were sleeping. A kind hearted Ovlur helped Igor - he took out a horse.
The prince on the road talking with the river Donets, which was good to him. He compares it to the ruthless Stugna, where Prince Rostislav died. Even the magpies helped the prisoner: they notified that he was being chased.
Enemies rushed after Igor. Gzak invited Konchak to shoot the enemy, but Konchak wanted to trick Igor into a beautiful girl. Gzak is against, because in this case the prince and the damsel will run away together. Then the Russian soldiers will kill them in the Polovtsian field.
Igor Svyatoslavovich safely returns to his native land. All the people rejoice, sing glory to him and the squad.